Showing posts with label iPads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPads. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Move to Digital Instruction

One of my favorite publications is eSchool News. The May edition has a story about the move in North Carolina to encourage school districts to purchase digital devices rather than traditional textbooks. A new law provides the incentive for districts to rethink textbook purchases.

In many of the school districts where I work this trend would force teachers and administrators outside their comfort zone. While many of us find our iPads and other devices an integral part of how we do our work, we just can't imagine how they can positively impact student learning. One district we work with in Oregon has embraced this digital trend. They report that as they reduce the budget for textbooks, they can provide funds to update technology for students and staff. They also find that students are generally careful with the devices and damage is minimal.

Perhaps most importantly, access to digital technology opens up incredible curricular and instructional resources for teachers and students. One school no longer spends funds on digital calculators. They simply use the free app that's available.

We'd enjoy hearing from you about your experience with the use of digital devices for instruction. eschool